Kidney disease can affect people belonging to any age group and children in various ways, as per expert health specialists. It can range from treatable ill health conditions to other serious and long term life-threatening conditions. There could be a condition thats called an acute kidney disease which could develop suddenly, can last for a short while, and if not treated on time it would result in fatal conditions too.
There is a direct need of more nephrology pediatric centers in the country to deal with issues related to kidney among kids."There is a need for pediatric dialysis centers and more doctors should be trained to handle the complexities related to kidney among children," said Arvind Bagga, professor, pediatrics, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi.
He was speaking in the 12th Asian Congress of Pediatrics Nephrology, an event of the Asian Pediatrics Nephrology Association, held in Delhi after 20 years. According to the AIIMS, at least 400 patients below 10 years are admitted to hospitals every month due to kidney disorders. More than 400 delegates from all over the world, including 150 from India, will attend the three-day event Dec 4-6.
"During the event, parents were made aware on how their babies will undergo the ultra sound test," Bagga told IANS."Initially the cost of treatment processes will be high, the cost will come down later on," said Pankaj Hari, associate professor, pediatrics, AIIMS.