Parents may please take note that toddlers having sleep difficulties are likely to experience behavioural problems.
Early sleep problems may be both a cause and consequence of children's difficulties with behavioural and emotional self-regulation, a study showed.
Inadequate sleep is associated with daytime sleepiness, less optimal pre-school adjustment and problems of irritability, hyperactivity and attention, the study noted.
"Essentially, these young children might be caught in a cycle, with sleep disruption affecting their psychiatric symptoms and psychiatric symptoms affecting their sleep-wake organisation," explained John Boekamp from Bradley Hospital, Rhode Island in the US.
"Sleep problems in young children frequently co-occur with other behavioural problems, with evidence that inadequate sleep is associated with daytime sleepiness, less optimal pre-school adjustment, and problems of irritability, hyperactivity and attention."
This study examined the nature and prevalence of diagnostically defined sleep disorders, including Sleep Onset Insomnia and Night Waking Insomnia, in a group of 183 young children.
Sleep problems were especially common in children with disruptive behaviour, attention, anxiety and mood problems."It is important for families to be aware of how important sleep is to the behavioural adjustment and well being of young children," Boekamp pointed out.The study was published online in the journal Child Psychiatry & Human Development.