A new study has revealed that 80 percent of men could come out of heart attacks and other related heart ailments by following a healthy lifestyle choices. Coronary events in men such as healthy lifestyle that includes maintaining a healthy weight and consuming a healthy diet. Exercising, working out, quitting smoking and moderating alcohol intake can help prevent coronary intake in men.
While mortality from heart ailments and diseases has come down in recent years, with much of the reduction attributed to medical procedures and therapies, the researchers have said that prevention by adopting a healthy lifestyle will eradicate potential side effects of medicine intake and were found to be more cost effective for population wide reductions in coronary heart disease. The practitioners and researchers have come out with the fact that there is a reduction in the risk for heart disease.
The researchers found a noticeable reduction in the risk for heart attack for every individual lifestyle factor that participants had practiced. For example, consumption of a low-risk diet together with a small amount of alcohol in moderation led to about 35 percent less risk of generating heart attack compared to high-risk groups, those who practice none of the low-risk factors.