There is always an accumulation of excess oil found on the outer layer of your skin that might lead to various skin problems such as blackheads, whiteheads, blind pimples and other such skin irritations. But there are many advantages if at all you have oily skin as it tends to age better and develop fewer wrinkles than dry or normal skin.
Oily skin can be formed due to genetic reasons, dietary choices, too much stress and hormone imbalance due to puberty. But if at all you thought it was problematic to have oily skin, it's time to think again.
Much slower rate of aging: People with dry skin show the signs of aging much faster than the ones with oily skin. Wrinkles and fine lines get camouflaged by the oily skin.
Your skin a natural glow, all the time: The shine on your oily face doesn't look bad all the time. While many buy expensive products to get that shiny T-zone, you have it for free. Isn't that awesome?
Your face has natural oils: And these oils keep your skin healthy and soft. Hence, you don't need expensive day or night creams to protect your skin and make it smooth. Your skin will always be moisturized.
Season no bar: Your skins natural oils will take care of it. Not only that, your skin is also resilient to the harshness of various environmental conditions.
Low maintenance: Yes, you don't need those heavy foundations that wear out in the middle of the day. A simple dash of face powder and you are ready to go.