When you step out in the sun your skin tends to get tanned. When you get back home after a day's work you would realize that a little tan sessions will leave you with tanned hands, face and gradually the whole you. You can try these home remedies to get rid of tanned skin by following these homely methods:
1. Cucumber, lemon juice and rose water mix: Cucumber, rose water and lemon juice acts as a cooling agent. In a small bowl take a table spoon each of cucumber juice, lemon juice and rose water and mix in well. Apply the mix with cotton on tanned areas and keep it for about 10 minutes. Then wash it off with cold water. Apply this pack every day after you get back home from the sun.
2. Gram flour and turmeric mix: Mix two tablespoons of gram flour with a pinch of turmeric, a tablespoon of milk and a table spoon of crushed orange peel in a bowl with cold rose water. Apply the mix on clean face and let it dry for about 15-20 minutes. Once the pack dries, slowly remove the pack by scrubbing gently in clockwise and anti-clockwise direction.
3. Oat meal and butter milk: While butter milk is an excellent source for soothing skin and healing blisters and oatmeal is a great natural scrub.
4. Milk and strawberry: Not only is this combination a healthy one, it also helps in improving skin complexion and reduction of dark spots, freckles and even pigmentation.