If you are tired of having the same kind of hair, try something different like jazzing up your look by coloring your hair. Here are certain tips that you could follow in order to get that look:
1. First of all, consider the health of your hair. The hair colour will stay longer and look better on hair that is smooth and healthy. If it is brittle, the colour won't come out as well and will further damage your mane. So go for a smoothening treatment or hair spa and then go in for colouring.
2. Don't forget that once you colour your hair, their texture will change temporarily. This can be because of the chemicals present in the colour dye.
3. Take advice from a stylist. Though you may have a colour in mind, it's also advisable to take the opinion of an expert, as to what hue to go in for and also, what brand of colour to choose. Once you have done that, don't do the job yourself! Though it is more expensive to get it done at the salon, at least you will be assured that the job is done well.
4. Choose the right shade. When it comes to hair colouring there are innumerable shades in the same colour spectrum. So if you want to go for brown, choose a shade of brown that will suit your skin colour and hair texture with the help of your hair stylist.