Unwanted hair is quite tough to get rid off. Waxing and shaving it on monthly basis can be painful and time consuming too. So, in order to get rid of it permanently, here is an easy and natural remedy available.
There is an enzyme present in raw papaya called papin which acts on the hair follicles by wreaking their action to help grow hair. Papin is a commonly added content in almost every hair removal cream. Here are the a couple of packs you could use to get rid of the unwanted hair permanently.
Raw papaya and turmeric pack
Take a few pieces of raw papaya and crush it into a fine paste. To this, add a pinch of wild turmeric. Apply this paste on the area you wish to depilate. Allow it to stay on the area until it dries. Once dry, scrub off the paste. The scrubbing action will remove the hair from the region. Do this once every week to stop hair growth in the area.
Raw papaya, Gram flour, Turmeric and Aloe vera
Crush few raw pieces of papaya along with pulp of aloe vera. Add some natural turmeric to it. Make everything into a fine paste and apply it on the areas on your face where you do not want extra hair growth. This would definitely help you get rid of unwanted hair in that area and if done on a regular basis, would help prevent the growing back of hair.