Hair loss and hair thinning arises when pollution increases and also due to certain personal issues namely the stress levels and even bad quality of water. Hair loss, hair fall and hair thinning are all very much interlinked and might happen as a result of these environmental and personal reasons.
1. Rub aloe vera on your scalp and parts of head and hair. You could also treat yourself by having aloe vera juice.
2. Oiling is a very effective way of dealing with dry hair and many men and women face this issue of hair thinning because of their negligence to oiling hair. Make oiling a regular activity of your daily health care activities. Coconut oil does a lot of good to your hair and hair follicles. Keep massaging your hair with oil thoroughly once in a while. Doing this at night would prove to be more beneficial as it would remain on your hair and scalp overnight.
3. A mix of Castor oil with honey is another such effective way of overcoming the thinning of hair. Apply this mix weekly once to get better results.
4. You could also make a paste out of fenugreek seeds. Crush the seeds n mix them with a little bit of water to make a paste. Massage this on your scalp once a week.
5. Curd and lemon are immensely effective in reducing or controlling dandruff on your hair. Make a mix of curd and lemon and apply it on your hair, leave it for 30 minutes then rinse it off with the help of a mild shampoo. You would get instant relief from dandruff.