Heat stroke is otherwise called as sunstroke or thermic fever. It happens when the body's mechanism fails in controlling temperature fails. At severe cases it requires emergency treatment as many people tend to fail and faint when the heat wave strikes.
It can damage the brain cells and also hamper the proper functioning of other internal organs.
Youngsters usually fall prey to heat strokes. It also takes a toll on fit and healthy young athletes too. It could randomly affect anybody even if that person has no previous history and signs of heat injury.
It could easily affect those who are more dehydrated. Dehydration leads to failure of body's temperature control system. After an exposure to high temperatures, there is a complication developed involving the central nervous system.
Some of the most noticeable symptoms of heatstroke are as follows:
High body temperature, Alteration in sweating, rapid breathing, severe headache along with nausea.
When to visit a doctor?
If a person has undergone heatstroke, try to get him/her immediate medical help. Also provide him with emergency cooling actions like misting him with cool water, placing ice packs on his head, armpits, groin etc.Remove all the extra clothing on his body and get the person into a shade or indoors.
Heatstroke can occur as a result of:
It strikes usually at point of time when a person is exposed a hot cum humid whether for a prolonged period or continuously for 2-3 days. Older adults and people having illness are more prone to sun stroke.