Talk therapy is emerging as an important alternative to medication with respect to gain a control over repeated suicidal attempts. A very recent study shows that just 6 to 10 talk therapy sessions led to as less as 26 percent fewer suicidal attempts in five years in the group that has received treatment as compared to a group that did not, the researchers concluded.
The psycho-social treatment provides support called notmedication is very much beneficial to prevent suicide in a group that is already at high risk of dying by suicide. The researchers have also put stress on the fact that it might be really valuable to broadly put forth or implement therapy programs for people who have tried of committing suicides in the past.
The researchers then compared their outcomes over time with 17,304 people who had attempted suicide and looked similar on 31 factors but had not gone for treatment afterward.
After five years, there were 26 percent fewer suicides in the group that had been treated with psycho-social therapy following their attempt.
The therapy itself varied depending on the individual needs of the patient so the researchers cannot say exactly what the "active ingredient" was that inoculated many against future suicide attempts. A study was published online in the journal Lancet Psychiatry.