Now a day children are spending more time in front of a TV, computer or video games. This may increase the chance of high blood pressure in kid .
Dr. Gilles Paradis says children with low level of fitness have high blood pressure (BP) as compared with high level of fitness. This children may effect to various cardiovascular diseases. According to the WHO, 17.3 people are died from cardiovascular diseases in 2008 , and will be increased in coming year.
High blood pressure in children that goes to the adult stage, being overweight due to eating poorly and not exercising. The major risk factor of adult stage is stroke, heart attack, heart failure. So correcting blood pressure in childhood is very important.
The new study suggest that there is connection between blood pressure and inactivity . Due to this inactive, the children may have high risk of obesity. The inactive means that spending more time in watching TV, play video games, studying and reading.