Foods that are rich in fiber, color and flavour are most preferable in winter. Consumption of food that contains essence of fiber, vitamins, minerals etc would help improve your immunity levels and your mood during the cold winter months.
Below are given some of the best food items that you should incorporate in your diet:
Roots and tubers: Roots and tubers such as carrots, beetroot etc are highly nutritious but it has the ability to withstand the cold. Carrot has got vitamin A essence that would help fight against cold, flu and other such related infections during this season.
Green tea: Green tea is highly rich in antioxidants, poly-phenols that exhibits antiviral and antibacterial properties. Having green tea daily would help keep your immune system strong and also has numerous health benefits.
Dark green leafy vegetables: Dark greens such as kale, chard and collards are rich in vitamins A, C and K. During the time of winter, these nutrient packed vegetables are at their best.
Garlic: High in antibacterial and antiviral properties, garlic has got multiple health benefits. It contains a compound called allicin that has high medicinal properties and also comprises of a distinct smell.
Honey: Consumption of honey helps stave off cold and fever during winter. Mixing honey with a cup of warm water or milk and having it regularly would help fight all infections. It can even replace sugar and can act as sweetener for people who want to lose weight.