Eating more veditables and fruits help in reducing many life style related health risks. Among the vegetables pumpkin is the best known source.Pumpkin is rich with nutrients, which means it is full of vitamins and minerals.There are many healthy ways to include punpkin in our diet, as like desserts,soups,preserves etc.
Taking one cup of cooked,canned pumpkin will provide Vitamin A for our daily needs. Pumpkin will also provide 20% of the daily value of Vitamin c, 10% or more for Vitamin E,riboflabin ,pottasium,copper and manganese at least 5% for thiamin, B-6, folate, pantothenic acid, niacin, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus.
Now a days obesity is one health issue that most of population is facing,Pumpkin is one good vegetable that reduces the risk of obesity, diabetes,heart disease, increased energy,overall lower weight.Pumpkin is a good source for beta carotene,which decrease the risk of cancer, provide protection against asthma and heart diseases.