June 8 is commemorated as world Brain tumor day, every year. This day was initiated by The German Brain Tumor Association (Deutsche Hirntumorhilfe e.V) is a non-profit organization, with the aim of making public more aware of this life-threatening disease. It was first observed in the year 2000.
The Deutsche Hirntumorhilfe, along with other organizations thrive for improved patient care and better standard of living for the suffering.
The World Brain Tumor Day calls public attention to the lethal illness and advocates for the patients and their dependants. It is also reminds the public and other political leaders regarding need of their services to assure the victims a better life in the society.
A Grey Ribbon as a symbol is aimed to remind the solidarity with brain tumor patients. By wearing the Grey ribbon, one shows the solicitousness and solidarity with people who are confronted with the diagnosis brain tumor.