While adults are having a seemingly difficult time coping up with the ongoing pandemic,
children, of course, are no different. With schools being shut and entertainment points
curbed, kids have been finding it hard to understand what exactly is going on around them.
Hence, it becomes our responsibility to take to them and provide them the correct, precise
information that is easy to comprehend and not SCARY! Here are the few tips which will
help you make your Pandemic talk easier:
Be to the Point: When discussing the current situation, be to the point and use age-
appropriate facts, since if your kid is a 5-year-old, he will not understand the climate
change models or politics. Easily place the events and maintain your calm, since they might
drive you crazy with their questions.
Be Positive: It’s hard to maintain sanity when stuck in the 4 walls of your home, but when
you talk to your kids, keep that upbeat vibe and explain how the world is working together
to beat the virus. Also, it helps them understand how important it is to maintain proper
hygiene. Make it an informative and fun talk.
Be a Role Model: When explaining your kids about proper hygiene, make sure that you
follow it too because action speaks louder than words indeed.
Stay Alert: For older children, there is a lot of information available on the net. Make sure
you keep an eye on them and help them understand what is correct and what’s fake.
Provide comfort and Be Honest: It is natural for children to be anxious and scared when
things around them are not in their control. So, comfort them often and let them know that
you are there to keep them safe. Keep the conversation going and check on your child’s
mental and physical well-being. Play with them and try keeping them busy. Be honest with
them about the situation, since no one really knows what the future holds.
Yes, it’s difficult to talk to children regarding such a delicate topic, but make sure you
provide them only the information they need. Listen to their anxiety and comfort them.
This may be a stressful time, but rest assured, they are tougher than you think.