Proper nutrition is essential to maintain perfect health, but when the resources are limited, one tends to wonder how they can preserve food and nutrition under such circumstances. As the availability of fresh food becomes strenuous. It becomes natural for people to eat processed food, which contains high amounts of sugar, salt, and fats. Here are some tips which can help you to maintain your health even when fresh items are scare.
Be Physically active: With people switching over to remote work culture, and nowhere to go out, we tend to become lethargic and physically inactive. World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that to maintain your physical health, one should keep themselves active by doing home-based exercises. It will not just make you physically fit but will also help you support your mental health.
Plan your requirements: Over purchasing has been often found as a trend among people not just for essential items but also for the non-essential stuff. Hence plan a list and take what is required. Stuffing your fridge with things you don’t want will not help you with anything.
Make use of Fresh food a priority: Use fresh fruits and vegetables that have a shorter shelf life a priority. Frozen vegetables and items can also be used as they have a similar nutrient value as that of fresh food. To avoid wastage of food, try freezing the leftovers from last night and consuming them the next day.
Prepare Home-cooked meals: Rather than going for instant noodles and home delivery options, try preparing your own meals. This will not just help you realize your calorie intake but will also help you save money and stay healthy.
Be aware of your Portion sizes: As we all are under quarantine, we all have started eating a lot without realizing the fact that we must eat to live, not otherwise. Boredom and lack of work also tend to increase the intake of food. Hence, be aware of what goes into your plate and in what quantity.
Eating Mindfully: While under quarantine, make sure that you consume less salt, sugar, and fat and increase the intake of fiber in your diet, stay away from alcohol, and increase your water intake. Such mindful, healthy practices will not just make you feel healthy inside out but will also help you stay healthy and fit in the long run.
So, make use of these healthy practices while in quarantine. Stay healthy and Stay Safe.
(Credits: www.medicalnewstoday.com)