Myths: Snoring is not Sleep Apnea
Fact: Snoring is otherwise called sleep apnea. It is a temporary cessation of breath during the sleep. A Person with sleep apnea may stop breathing around 350 to 450 times during the sleep at night. The cessation of breath may remain just for a few seconds and are usually followed by snort when breathing resumes. This often interrupts the sleep and leave tried whole day. Below link helps you to know more about Snoring and its reasons.
Myths: Sleep Apnea Is Dangerous
Fact: Sleep Apnea as such, does not cause any injury to the health, but has been linked to job-related injuries, heart attacks, strokes and car accidents.
Myths: Sleep Apnea Blocks Your Breath
Fact: Obstructive sleep apnea (or OSA) is the most common type of sleep apnea. OSA happens when the airway is blocked by the tissues like, the tongue or tonsils in the back of the throat. In OAS the sleep apnea is not controlled by the brain.
Myths: People at old age get Get Sleep Apnea
Fact: Though the sleep apnea can affect people of all ages, but it is more common after age 40. OSA is more likely to develop in persons who are overweight and usually seen in male. The condition also tends to be hereditary.
Myths: Alcohol Helps to Sleep
Fact: An alcoholic drink taken before bed or taking sleeping pills may make you drowsy, this leads muscles in the back of the throat get relaxed and blocks the passage of the airways.
Myth: Sleep Apnea Is not seen in Kids
Fact: OSA is also seen in one of 10 children. Most of the cases, the child eventually outgrows this, if the condition is mild. But in some cases, as a result of OSA, children may develop serious medical problems or behavioral issues.
Myth: Body Weight does not matter
Fact: OSA is more likely to develop in persons who are overweight. Even small change body weight can improve symptoms .
Lying straight on back can help
Fact: It is more likely to block the airway as the gravity pulls tissues down in the throat, if slept with the face up. Instead, sleeping on your side may help.
Different methods available to prevent Sleep apnea
1) Mouthpiece: specially made a mouthpiece are available to ease mild sleep apnea. Put the mouthpiece in the mouth during bedtime to keep the airway open during sleep. It is customized and made for the individuals to adjust the position of the lower jaw and tongue.
2) Adjusting the sleeping posture: There are special pillows available, that can help to sleep on your side.
3) Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is a machine, that blows a steady stream of air, strong enough to keep the airway open while you sleep. This is the most common treatment for adults with OSA.
4) Surgery:In some children, removing large tonsils that block the airway, may give a solution. In adults, shrinking or tightening the floppy tissues, by surgery may improve symptoms. But this is may not help everyone.