Cold Virus can live for many days in the open air
The Cold virus can live up to only three hours in the open air. It can also survive on the object, a person just touched after wiping his nose with his hand. It can be the objects like bathroom sink, a doorknob, the kitchen counter, etc. Spreading of common cold can be stopped, if someone has cold in your house, by wiping surfaces with an anti-virus disinfectant
It's not contagious anymore, By the time you have cold symptoms
Common Cold is one of the most contagious disease that attacks others before symptoms appear and remain contagious till first 2-4 days after symptoms start to appear.
One can prevent transmission of cold, by taking few steps
1. Avoiding close contact with others
2. Wash your hands frequently.
3. Cover your mouth with a handkerchief, tissue paper or crook of the elbow when you sneeze or cough.
Bacteria causes colds?
More than 200 viruses have been identified that can cause colds. Colds are not caused by bacteria, So antibiotics, which are designed to kill bacteria are useless against Virus. Using antibiotics against cold is not only won't work, but can also be harmful.
Wet hair during winter, will probably catch a cold
Colds are spread by germs, not the temperature. Leaving hair wet doesn't put you at greater risk of catching a cold. But You might be feeling uncomfortable and cold
People catch colds during any season
It's true that colds can spread during any season and it also spreads by close contact. During winter people spend more time inside to avoid cold weather. So we're more exposed to the infected people. Cold viruses tend to flourish in low humidity and air in the winter is drier than the air during any other season.
Vitamin C helps prevent catching a cold or shortens a cold if you already have one
There is no much evidence that vitamin C has any effect against the common cold. There are little scientific evidence that shows, under certain circumstances, very high doses of vitamin C may reduce the chance of getting a cold.
It's sure that High doses of vitamin C can affect kidneys adversely and can cause nausea and diarrhea.
When your child has a cold, the best treatment with antibiotics
The best remedy for a child with a cold is to stay in bed and drink too much water. Cold and cough medications, that are sold over-the counter, should not be given to children how are under age 4. The possible benefits with medications are not worth the risk.
Chicken soup helps break up nasal congestion and ease stuffiness.
Stay away from cold is the best way to prevent clod
The best way to prevent cold is by washing the hand regularly and thoroughly. Wash with soap, and scrub for at least 20 seconds. Hand sanitizers is also a good option.
Child getting a cold every month is probably a sign of serious problem
It is very normal for children getting 6 to 10 colds a year and it is not unusual for a child to be sniffling and sneezing every other month, including spring and summer. Regular cold for a child are not necessarily something to be worried. Most of the time children get exposed to the germs If they spend most of the time with other kids.
Flu is just a cold with fever
Some people feel mild fever along with cold, but if one feels high fever it may be a sign of flu or other complications. Consult a doctor immediately
Taking rest has nothing much to do with cold
When people are stressed, they' re more susceptible to catching colds . Person under chronic stress, like trouble at work or problems in your family relationships, are vulnerable to common cold,
If you have green-tinged running nose means you have an infection
It is a normal phenomenon and should not panic if you see Green-tinged mucus during the course of common cold. The mucus from the running nose, at first are very clear, then turn to whitish or yellowish color, this shows immune cells are fighting back. Green-tinged mucus is the positive sign showing that normal friendly bacteria that are residing in the nose are growing back.
Flu vaccine also works for colds
The flu vaccine is meant only for the flu, and not for cold viruses. It is very tough for the scientist to create a vaccine against cold because there are hundreds of viruses that can cause a cold