Everyone loves to look like those slim and slender looking models staring at you through the magazine covers. While some engage themselves in gyms to get in shape, some turn on to fad diets to lose weight faster. You may also find many books, which claim to have found the magical solution to become fit and lose all the weight that you have accumulated over the years due to a sedentary lifestyle. But, as often said – “No one size fits all,” as what works for one may not work for another person. It all depends on how a person’s body responds to different foods, genetic, and other health factors.
There are plenty of steps that must take to lose weight and maintain it. Some of which include:
1. Try cooking your own healthy meal and develop a relationship with food
2. Having a proper control over your cravings or emotional outbursts
3. Be physically active:
4. Fill up your plate with fruits, veggies, and fiber
5. Practice Mindful eating
6. Stay motivated, and make healthy lifestyle your life choice
7. Cut down on sugar and refined carbs
8. Eat your breakfast every day
9. Reduce your screen time
10. Regularly check your weight
11. Keep a food log
Gaining weight is easy, but losing and maintaining it demands a lot of patience, perseverance, and substantial changes in our lifestyle. It is often seen that 95% of the people who have lost weight through diet gain it back within 1 year if they resort back to their old ways. It is essential to understand that losing weight requires patience, commitment, and experimentation with various diets and exercises to find out what exactly works for you. And once you have found that perfect fit, stick to it!