Severe cases of COVID-19 could be detected by the protein named suPAR in the blood. It helps researchers to identify people who are prone to develop severe cases of COVID. Flattening the curve is possible if social distancing is being practiced stringently all around the world. Now, the aim is to detect people who are more likely to develop worse cases of COVID. If they can identify effective ways of predicting disease severity, then people who are likely to need intensive care support can stay in the hospital and potentially start receiving treatment. Detecting them can help the doctors to send home the people who aren't likely to be affected severely. Since suPAR is a reactant of the innate immune system, it’s an indicator of disease severity. These results show that the higher the plasma suPAR level, the worse the outcome will be in the lungs of these patients. The higher the suPAR level, the shorter the time before patients needed intubation.Says Prof. Reiser. It is a useful measure that helps the medical field to actually concentrate on the people who really need help.