Are you worried of getting heart ailments?Are you suffering from poor memory problems or Alzheimer’s?f you are, then here is your lifesaver food....Fish! One of the low -fat and high- protein content super foods that Nature provides us with.Fish are a rich source of macronutrients, vitamins and minerals. Moreover, it is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are not produced in our body. These fatty acids are a power source that helps in fighting depression, anxiety, arthritis, different types of cancers and probability of heart attacks.These fatty acids are found in walnuts, leafy green vegetables and soya.Omega-3s aid in healthy brain functioning and are also associated with the development of cognitive, sensory and motor development in the foetus during the later stages of pregnancy.
The high quality protein found in fish has anti-aging properties too and is good for your hair.
Types of fishes
Fish come under three classifications: Fatty fishes, White fish and Shellfishes. Fatty fishes like salmon, mackerel, sardines, tuna and trout are great sources of Omega-3 fatty acids.
White fishes like hake are good at reducing bad cholesterol levels (LDL), aids in weight loss and in maintaining blood pressure, according to recent studies. Cod is a rich source of B vitamins like B12, B6 and B3, which aid in fighting against cardiovascular problems like heart attacks and also stroke.
Crabs, lobsters and prawns belong to the shellfish category. They are known for their cancer-fighting properties.
Selection and Storage
Fishes are highly perishable food ingredients, and therefore ‘the sooner you cook the better’ after purchase. When you buy fresh fish, look for its bright red gills, firmness and shine of the flesh. If the fish has an ammonia-like odor and feels slimy, it is not freshly caught. If you are buying frozen fish, check for signs of frost or small ice crystals inside the package; that shows the fish has been stored for a long time.
Larger fishes like tilapia, shark, swordfish and king mackerel have their flesh contaminated with small quantities of mercury, which acts as toxins, on ingestion. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has restricted the intake of such larger fish varieties in pregnant women, breast-feeding mothers and in small children.
Fishes have high moisture content and in order to prevent it from drying out, keep the freshly bought fish in moisture proof bags and try to cook the fish in one or two days after your purchase. Frozen fish has to be kept frozen and must be thawed before usage. Shell fish varieties like mussels and oysters should be bought in their shells and have to be covered with moist paper and refrigerated soon. An average storage life for shell fish varieties is 4 to 5 days after your purchase.
Adding fish to your food plan helps you derive several health benefits .An understanding of certain factors like the type of fish purchased, its freshness, cooking time, cooking method and storage tips would be a plus in retaining its nutritional value.
Wrritten By
Divya Arun
Guest Contributing Author
www.fda.gov/food labeling