COVID 19 started in Wuhan in December and later began to spread in all parts of the globe. It was believed that the rising temperature during summers in India would decrease the potency of the virus. But unfortunately, this never happened. Now, as the monsoon season is here, the impact of the illness and its transmission is still questionable. With the rising cases, it seems like the virus will continue to infect many in the coming weeks as well.
Rain is the time when many water-borne diseases like Malaria, chikungunya, dengue are much prevalent in India. But COVID 19 being a respiratory disorder, its seasonal behavior is not yet fully understood. According to the researchers, it is challenging to understand the flu season. Many factors like Sunlight, Vitamin D levels can have a pivotal impact.
As per the doctors, virus transmission depends on three major factors, including seasonal changes in the environment, human behavioral patterns and intrinsic characteristics of the virus-like its pathogenicity, and survival.
Since COVID 19 is possible through surface contamination, it is believed that since people like to stay indoors during this season, there will be a lower number of people on the crowded spaces, which will reduce the risk of transmission. Though all the above are just assumptions, there is still a lot more that needs to be understood regarding the virus and the ways we can reduce its transmission.