COVID 19 is a viral infection that has created a lot of fear and anxiety among living beings. We all are today taking drastic and draconian measures to keep everyone in our family and surroundings safe, just like the elderly even the pregnant ladies are also found to be susceptible to the effects of this highly contagious virus. Experts believe this might be because of the various changes a female undergoes during the pregnancy.
So how can pregnant women protect themselves from getting infected:
- Wash your hands thoroughly and often using a soap or hand sanitizer that has at least 60% alcohol
- Try not to touch your eyes, mouth, and nose
- Stay away from sick people
- Stay at home as much as possible and maintain a safe distance of at least 2 meters
- Clean and disinfect things in your surrounding which are often touched by people like doorknobs, phone, and counters
Though the effect and severity of the virus are still unclear in pregnant women, it is advised that you follow all the precautionary measures as prescribed.
One of the main questions which are often asked is that if they get infected, can they pass it over to their unborn baby. Pregnant ladies who have been infected are mostly found to have given birth to healthy babies, but sometimes this seemingly is not the case. Though it's still unclear how such babies get infected since no virus has been found in either amniotic fluid or breast milk.
Some newborn babies have often found to have got infected after birth; hence often infected mothers are separated from their infants right after birth.
In case you feel unwell or have symptoms like cold, fever, loss of taste, or chill, contact your healthcare provider immediately. Some of the patients seemingly have mild symptoms, which usually goes away with proper rest, diet, and fluids.
Once you have delivered, try and restrict the number of people visiting your home to see the baby. Since newborn is susceptible to catching infections quite quickly, it is essential that your practice social distancing after you have arrived back from the hospital. Make sure all at home practice proper hand hygiene before picking up the baby.
It is advised that you take all recommended precautionary measures to ensure that you and your baby are safe during these uncertain times. In any case, you feel something is a miss contact your healthcare provider immediately. Stay safe and keep your family safe.